Saturday, October 9, 2010

Waiting. and waiting. and waiting.


  1. hahaha air defense ftw

  2. so true and funny. lol thanks

  3. Nice.. ADA definitely doesn't serve much of a purpose until shit really hits the fan.

  4. I miss the ADA days but I did have to reclass for more excitement though. So yeah I am loven this one.

  5. Funny now but for 50 years we covered your asses..... ADA is why you bad asses are fighting from Jeeps today....remember what goes around comes around

  6. The Air Defense Bradleys actually had a purpose when they were around. Could fill a duel roll. If there was no air threat then they could change their mission to more of an infantry support role. Worked out well. Guess the Pentagon didn't feel they were necessary and got rid of MOS 14R.

  7. they must have forgotten about Iran next door with a LOT of missiles that like to launch them periodically........ ADA is around for a reason.., you may not see us.., but we are there. watching.., and waiting....,

  8. Its a case of, like a lot of the military, better to have them and not need them... than need them and not have them

  9. One hell of lot of intel from the Anonymous PLT is so noted.

  10. It's kind of scary how accurate this description of an ADA deployment is...even down to the desert love in the scud bunkers!
