Friday, October 22, 2010

Scouts out!


  1. Awwwwe, that little Bradley is so cute. Isn't it just adorable? That little 25mm is just so small. To bad real men drive Abrams.

  2. hahaha 19D for the win, too bad I never get to play with my bradleys out here in afghanistan...

  3. Haha scouts suck balls.19K is the only real MOS in the Army.

  4. If you can be seen, you can be hit...if you can be hit, you will be killed! Now go and hide your bigass tank in desert and tell me how that works out for you. LTC, CAV!

  5. If you can be seen, you can be killed? Ok, that's fine. But what about the stuff you CAN'T see?
    If you mech guys can remember your original training, what is the biggest threat to tracked vehicles? Infantry. That's right kids.

  6. Its funny that the Bradley has killed more tanks and armored vic's then the Abrams ... Who cares, I turned in the my Bradley for an MRAP anyway.

  7. Bradleys blow so do LTC's

  8. T is for Tanker
    A is for Ate up
    N is for Never hit
    K is for kill your friend
    E is for Eats alot
    R is for RETARD

    19D is the way to go. forget tankers
